Stabilize Me is a game about how it feels to have a mentally unstable day.

I wanted to break the stigma that being mentally unstable means you are unsafe.

You do 3 mini games representing the heart, mind and soul. And put object on a scale that represent: Love, Peace, Acceptance, Faith, Fear, Anger, Depression, and Lack of control. Once you put them in the right order the game with congratulate you on making it through the day. This game is my way of showing mental instability doesn't mean a person has to be a person like "the joker" or "harley quinn". Most of the time we're just doing our best.

 Disclaimer: Game is based off my personal experience, everyone is different


Click on the doors to enter the rooms - Must have player in front of it.

Game one: Complete the puzzle (It does not lock the pieces, I didn't have time to learn that)

Game Two: Once you reach the bottom rapidly press jump, however this represents getting exhausted from pushing through a mentally hard time to click on the doves to regain some hope. If you fade entirely away you have to start over. - Also don't touch the blue fish of self doubt, they make you fade faster!

Game  Three: You have to keep the tears from fading the flame of your soul away for 60 seconds. If it goes out, you have to start over.


Put the objects on their respective sides on the scale (I wanted this to be more puzzle like but ran out of time) - As of right now the side the spawn is the side they belong.

This is only my second Gdevelop game so there are lots of issues, but I'm just proud that I finished!

Music Heavenly Light, By. Light_Music (Alex Wit)

Sounds, Art, Programming by Parasol Mushroom

Updated 5 days ago
Published 22 days ago
Tags2D, keyboard, Mental Health, minigames

Development log


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i like the message a lot.

i liked the swimming section best, was like meditating

Good game

Aw thank you :3